Professional Laser Clinic


Tattoo Removal

If you are an individuals who are not happy with their tattoos and regret getting them and now looking for the Best Tattoo Removal Clinic in Sydney, then you are in luck. Gone long are those days when inking a permanent tattoo was considered a good idea to show love and affection for your loved ones. The studies suggest that nearly 30% of the people in Australia have at least one tattoo on their bodies and the similiar studies also suggest that 35% people regreat getting one due to various reasons and are now in need of a Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic which offer the quick results at Affordable Cost.

Laser Tattoo Removal Sydney

Before going for a Laser tattoo removal clinic in Sydney , please do check the machine and clinics credentials. We are one of the best Laser Clinic in Sydney. Apart from Tattoo Removal We also offer Laser Hair Removal ,Acne Scar Treatment, Pigmentation Removal, Skin Rejuvenation & non invasive Anti wrinkle treatments.

Best Tattoo Removal Clinic

The World’s First Picosecond Aesthetic Laser Treatment Available For Fast And Effective Tattoo Removal Our PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment in Sydney targets unwanted ink more effectively than ever before. We are successful in removing difficult ink colors such as blues, greens, reds, as well as previously treated tattoos, all with fewer treatments. Our Treatment provide faster recovery time, and greater results than traditional lasers. We all have past experiences that we would like to erase, and for millions of Australians, this includes body ink. Whether it is preventing you from getting your desired job, or an embarrassing tattoo keeping you covered up this summer, here at ProLaser Clinics in Merrylands we offer the most advanced laser Skin Treatment available for safe and effective tattoo removal in Sydney.

Laser Tattoo Removal Cost

Since hair grows in cycles, a series of treatments are performed every 5-6 weeks. The number of treatments required will vary for each person depending on skin colour, hair colour, coarseness of hair & hormones. You may find that one treatment has very impressive results, but several treatments are usually needed for best results. Most people will require between 6-8 treatments as the laser hair removal process is only effective on hair during the early growing cycle. Repeat treatments are needed to destroy these follicles when they re-enter the early growth phase.
Picosecond pulse width is 100 times shorter than nanosecond technology, enabling unmatched photomechanical impact for better clearance with fewer treatments, less fluence and without injury to the surrounding skin. Results in clearer skin with fewer treatments without injuring the surrounding skin.



Laser energy is delivered to the tattoo, targeting the ink and breaking it down into smaller particles. The particles are eliminated
through the body’s natural processes resulting in a lightening of the tattoo ink.

For many patients, the feeling of laser tattoo removal has been compared to what it feels like when getting a tattoo, however it is very
fast. Your practitioner will work with you on the best comfort option based on your individual situation.

The number of laser treatments required will depend on variables such as the size of tattoo, number of colors in the tattoo, density of the ink, ink type, location on the body, type of laser used, professional vs amateur tattoo, immune system and lifestyle habits etc. During you consultation, our experts will evaluate your tattoo and recommend a realistic regime to assist you achieve the best results. 

While it typically takes 4-8 weeks for the body to absorb the ink particles, every patient and tattoo responds differently. Generally treatments are 6-8 weeks apart, to allow for skin recovery and also the physiological processes to eliminate the ink from the tissue.

You may generally see whitening also known as “frosting” of the skin, however, that will gradually settle down as soon as the treatment completes. Other effects that persist include are mild swelling and also redness over the area.

Until the launch of PicoSure, the old way of Q-Switched lasers was considered the best and gold standard for removing tattoos. Q-Switched laser treatments were such that used thermal energy to heat up and gradually break apart the ink particles. Now with PicoSure, we have these ultra-short pulses that hit the ink particle with a pressure so light and great, that the ink shatters into tiny dust-like particles. PicoSure has now been proven and also gained success in treating even dark, stubborn blue and also green inks, as well as previously-treated, inks that were the stubborn tattoos that were not successfully cleared in the past.

Tattoos can be lightened on any area, anytime in preparation for a cover-up tattoo. 

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